Hi, This is YangJing, Allison, I make
Game, Exhibition, Podcast, Writing and Press. Please kindly check my info

Hi there, welcome to my website.
This is Yang Jing (call me Allison if it’s easier for you). I’m a producer and storyteller currently based in Hong Kong. I’m trying my best to document my creative projects on this website.It’s not an easy job, as you will see, since these projects encompass a wide range of fields, disciplines and practices. However, at the core of everything, it’s the true passion to explore the sociocultural and aesthetic value of games.
If you meet me during my creative journey, I’m probably doing one of these things: designing a game or game experience, curating a game-related exhibition, writing research and media pieces on game and gaming (particularly in the sinophone context), teaching game courses in universities, and hopefully producing podcasts again. I was also featured in a wide range of interviews. And finally for those of you who can’t stand this creative mess, a concise CV of mine. To get in touch, I’m lurking on most of the social networks, so PM me or email, always open to collaborating with fun people on cool (read: crazy) projects.